Click on photo to see larger size
 Tim, Dan, and Steve G. The snake is a seven foot bushmaster
 Tim, Dan, and Steve G
 (LTR) Janet K, Priscilla, Patty K., Alice O, Nancy R, Marilyn R, Laurel, Susan W and Ruth O
 (LTR) Ruth K., Rachel R, Suzanne A, Miss Lil, Dan D, Nancy R, Marilyn, Wesley Sh, Steve G
 Moving furniture
 photo by Dan S (nice resolution for "wallpaper")
 photo by Steve K, CP1020 landing at Tumi, 1978 (nice resolution for "wallpaper")
 photo by Steve K, CP1020 starting engines at Tumi, 1978 (nice resolution for "wallpaper")




July 2000 |
April 1965 |
April 1965 |
*** |
From David R |
 July 2000
 July 2000
 July 2000
 July 2000 (nice resolution for "wallpaper")
*** |
Kaetterhenry photos |




summer 1978 (nice resolution for "wallpaper") |








Infamous Watermelon Feast |
Building Hanger |
*** |
Harold & Mary Key photos |












Order of the Condor. The highest award given to civilians by the Republic of Bolivia. The Bolivian branch got two of these. This one was given to Harold and Mary after the first 7 years. |
Hallelooooiuaa! - from Ivon to Tumi |


mid 1955 (in Ivon)
Back Row Delores & Bill R, Mary G, Cal H, Gloria & Dave F, Leon & Betty S, Perry P, Don VW
Front Row Mrs. H, Marian & Gil P, Mary K, Mabel VW, Harold K |
Back Row Ruth Wallin, Pat B, Ada S, Alan & Iris W, Martha G, Mary G, Marian H, Betsy W, Frances M, Millie L
Next Row Jim & Ruth B, Becky & Willis O, Marian & Gil P, Bobbie & Lloyd D, Bill & Vangie J, Marge & Bill K, Harry R, Bob & Judith Ann J, Betty & Leon S
Front Row Porter & Jeanne K, Delores & Bill R, Mary & Harold K, Phyliss & Willis B, Mabel & Don VW |